Current members of the parish finance council include:
"The administration of goods which every Parish has to some extent is an important area of evangelization and evangelical witness, both in the Church and in civil society, since "all the goods that we have, the Lord gives them to go to the world, to go to humanity, to help others." The Parish Priest, therefore, cannot and must not remain only at this task, so it is necessary that he be assisted by collaborators to administrate the goods of the Church above all with evangelizing zeal and a missionary spirit...
The Finance Council fulfils a role of particular importance in the growth, at the level of the Parish community, of a culture of co-responsibility, of administrative transparency, and of service to the needs of the Church. In a particular way, transparency should not be understood as a mere formal presentation of statistics, but more as information that is the community’s due, and an advantageous opportunity for its formative involvement. Transparency refers to a modus agendi, indispensable for the credibility of the Church, especially where there are significant goods to administer."
-Congregation for Clergy, Pastoral Conversion, July, 2020